March 4, 2024

#192 - AVEVA System Platform tips and tricks

- On Templates, create a folder for the project and a sub-folder with Global and Project

Examples: $gAppEngine, $gArea, $gDDESuiteLinkClient, $gInTouchProxy, $gInTrouchProxy, $gOPCClient, $gRedundantDIObject, $gViewEngine, $gWindPlatform, $InTouchViewApp, $ViewApp

- Hide the other folders in Templates, apart from Application and the Project folders

- In the Derivation tab it is possible to see the dependency links, the instances, etc.

- Hierarchise in the Model - Tag name by: Plant > Section > Area > Prod Line > Manufacturing Cell

- Deployment model Bootstrap > WinPlatform (PCs where Galaxy and Run-Time are located, they can be two at different PCs. Typically GRPlatform has nothing on it whereas the ProdPlatform has the application. They are accessed by machine name in the network (try ping), rather than IP because the machine name can be used in scripts) > AppEngine (or ViewEngine for OMI) > Areas and DIObject (device integration e.g. PLC). Check PC names: - GRPlatform and ProdPlatform: (network address: ENG-PC and PROD-PC) - AppEngine: Historian PC (ENG-PC) - ProdPLC: Data source (PLC address and Server name (e.g. MBTCP))

Note: Check ipconfig the order of the NICs that appear. Ensure the first is the primary card, e.g. Plant NIC then RMC. To edit the order, open control panel > IPv4 advanced configuration and check the number of the Interface metric (untick Automatic metric). This could cause deployment failures.

- Derivation can be used to edit the object's attributes (locks, units, values, etc).

- Use the AVEVA System Monitor (Web browser) to monitor the system (CPU, etc)

- Communication with PLC is done through Operations Control Management Console (OCMC), previously a.k.a. SMC, in the Operations Integration Server Manager. Actions such as Stop Run time can be done on the AppEngine under Platform Manager.

In OCMC there is also the Log Viewer for each PC in the network (e.g. Local, Historian, etc). The logger has filters (e.g. Start / End times), flags for marking an event.

From the OCMC it is also possible to create a Galaxy backup/restore (with same name):

- From System Platform IDE, in the Deployment tab, or from OCMC, it is possible to watch the tag values of the AppEngine by right-clicking on it and then "View in Object Viewer", or by clicking "ProdPlatform > Launch Object Viewer". This tool is good for checking the quality of the tag and debugging (e.g. Good / Bad), such as: PlatformInfo GR.TimeOfLastDeploy ScanState ScanStateCmd, Scheduler.ScanPeriod AppEngine.Host GRPlatform.NodeName GRPlatform.CPULoad GRPlatform.RAM GRPlatform.DiskSpaceFree (enter -1) in MB GRPlatform.DiskLogicalName Host AppEngine.Engine.ProcessCPULoad (Bad when Scan is OFF) AppEngine.Scheduler.ObjectsOffscanCnt AppEngine.Scheduler.ObjectCnt Simulator.ConnectionStatus (comms with PLC) Simulator.ScanState Simulator.ScanStateCmd Simulator.ScanGroupList Simulator.ServerName Simulator.ServerNode Simulator.FastItemCnt

RAppEngine_AOS1.Redundancy.Identity (Backup/Primary) RAppEngine_AOS2.Redundancy.Identity (Backup/Primary) RAppEngine_AOS1.Redundancy.ForceFailoverCmd RAppEngine_AOS2.Redundancy.ForceFailoverCmd

The Watch windows can be saved as .xml.

- The object's properties have a Chage Log.

- Note when changing the Galaxy Repository PC. There is configuration linked to machine's name (e.g. localhost) in: WinPlatform (General > Network Address), AppEngine (General > History) and Communication Drivers, such as $Sim (General > Server Node).

- Backup individual objects, exporting, before doing changes / check-ins.

- Icons: Deploy Yellow not deplayed, Black-Yellow pending changes

- OCMC: Operations Integration Server Manager: Two drivers are included by default (OI.SIM and OI.Gateway). Device Integration Object <-Connection Status-> Driver (e.g. OI.SIM) <-$Sys$Status-> PLC

- To change the ScanGroup of a Tag, undeploy the Tag, then in View > IO Devices > select the Tag and drag-drop to/from the desired Scan Group.

- Namings: Deployment model: WinPlatform: PC that hosts the Galaxy project AppEngine: Run-time engine

- Hardware requirement

- Good monitor for development: DELL S3422DW

- Login: Galaxy: Administrator / no password Database: sa / Password#1

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