Here below some tips about Windows prompt commands that are helpful, in particular for networking configuration and troubleshooting:
- netstat -an
-p tcp
-ano | findstr portNumber | findstr ESTABLISHED - getmac
- ipconfig /all
/flushdns - ping
- netsh interface ipv4 show config
interface interface ip show interface
interface ip show route
interface ip show addresses
interface ip show dnsservers
interface set interface name="Nome" admin=DISABLED(ENABLED)
interface ipv4 set address name="Nome" static IP SUBNET GW
interface ipv4 set address name=”Nome” source=dhcp
interface ipv4 set (add) dns "Nome" static IP (index=2)
interface ipv4 set dns "Nome" dhcp
interface ip show config
-c interface dump > C:\admin\config.txt
interface dump > C:\admin\config.dat
exec C:\admin\config.txt
firewall set opmode mode=enable (ou disable)
firewall add portopening TCP 1234 my_TCP_port
- pathping
- tracert
- arp -a
- nslookup
- nbtstat
- net
- bitsadmin
- telnet
- route print
- wmic nic get name, index
- wmic path win32_networkadapter where index=i call
enable (ou disable)
- wmic bios get serialnumber
- fc
- comp
- find
- findstr
- copy
- robocopy <path_from> <path_to> /copyall /e
/r:100 /dcopy:t /mir
- assoc
- icacls
- cipher /w: c:
- type .txt |more
- tree
- mkdir
- dir
- /a:d
- /s *.dct
- /b/s myFile.*
- set mypath = %cd%
echo %mypath%
- help
- systeminfo
- sfc /scannow
- tasklist
- taskkill
- hostname
- powercfg /energy
- shutdown /s /t 5
- chkdsk
- net use E:"\\myDrive" /persistent:yes
- schtasks
- doskey/history
- cls
- driverquery -v
- net/?
net localgroup Administrators
net user xxx /domain
net group "domain admins group" /domain
net use
Further information can be found on the link.
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